How does the role of the hero/sheroe change throughout culture, and what does that say about the society a) which the piece was written, or, b) the time period during which the piece was written?

Friday, February 8, 2008


Hello, greetings, salutations, hola, buenos dias, or [insert your greeting of choice here]:

I would like to explain, if I can, the name of my blog (what a way to start!) I truly believe in the power of change and the ability to adapt. Trees seem to be a good example. They change with the season, their leaves changing from little buds in the spring, to green in the summer, to many colors in the fall, then finally falling and decomposing in the winter, only to fuel next year's new leaves in the spring. So it cycles again. And again. Changing.

The only think that's constant is change.

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